14 March 2005

London: Whats Happening

KXGYMUK - Best gym in town. Located in South Kensington. Better than Equinox, LA Sports Club or anything stateside. More expensive than a giesha or a day paying J-Lo's shopping bills.
+KXGYMUK 151 Draycott Avenue London SW3 3AL Tel: 020 7584 5333

LCD Soundsystem.
The Bravery.
Cabin Crew remix of 'Waiting for a Star to Fall' and Kylie's 'Can't Stop Giving you Up' keep the eurobeat moving. Don't worry you won't be listening to these songs in two weeks.
Charlotte Ronson's Bomb Over Bagdad / Roses (Ronson Refit) set over Franz Ferdinandz Take Me Out is legendary.
Jem continues to remain great.
VHS or Beta's 'Melting Moon' has rifts of the Cure running through it.

Places: Zuma for overpriced sushi. Some nasty matches can be found at L'Equipe Anglais (flip them over and you'll see what I mean). Bouji is London's Marquee. Umbaba is club that looks like an African Hunting Lodge. East London's Shoreditch and Islington continue to pound to the drums of Brit-Indy Rock. The Hoxton Bar is London's Don Hill's 80s night.
+Zuma, 5 Raphael Street, London, SW7 1DL Tel: 0871 075 1716
+Umbaba 15-21- Ganton Street, London W1F
+L'Equipe Anglaise, 21-23 Duke Street, London

April 2006 Update: Cukoo Club is London's Marquee although fading fast. Bouji's remains decent on a Tuesday or Friday night but is obnoxious otherwise. For the latest W4 click here.

OnTheCheap: Vonage is the best way to call the states. All you need is a high speed internet connection and you can plug the box in worldwide.


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