W4: Bikini Top Emergency: Gone To Lunch

Due to a bikini top emergency in St. Tropez, W4 will be away until Monday. We have dispatched our crack team of global correspondents including Bejewelled, Hunter S. Texas, and the PR Girls to the petit ville to assist with this topless tanning champagne emergency. We have also called in the help of a lunatic French girl who refers to her breasts as 'uncontrollable,' a few misguided Brits and possibly even a Guatemalan diplomat just to make our Benetton sweater set complete. Given such circumstances and company we certainly cannot bring you the irreverent and bizarre content you salivate over - and that includes you Sir in Tehran at Bank of Iran looking for shady Paris sex parties! But never fear.. We have created a bastard son of W4 for your temporary enjoyment in our absence, N4: Who What When Where Why (As you know here at W4 don't ask why – that's for thinkers and Harvard graduates). N4 is a news clippings site with both serious and irreverent articles from various sites and publications. It has a long way to go but someday we hope it can grow up to be something only mildly less gauche than this mangled venture. Right now on N4 you can find the latest about Club 55 in St. Tropez and a picture of an iceberg. Ciao!
www.wfour.com - Au moins nous pas ennuyeux!
+N4: Who What When Where Why.
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