Money Never Sleeps: SoSoLimited: Boston

Boston nightlife is about as exciting as eating dirt. At first it tastes nice and nutritious and then you realize you are just another sucker who has been hypnotized by some gorgeous vegan goddess at an LA organic smoothy bar. Nevertheless pockets of dirty hipness exist in the city famous for little more than its big dig construction project.
The monthly SoSoLimited residency at the Middlesex Lounge is one of these pockets. Backed by MIT's media lab programmers the monthly residency features awe inspiring graphics synchronized to a musical theme. It's so nerdy in its conception that it is actually amazingly cool. With night's like "Money Never Sleeps" and "Burn Hollywood Burn" the visual artists weave an intricate web of pixilated madness played to as 'downtown' a crowd as Boston can hope for. The vibe is downtown academic-hipster but worth a visit if you find yourself digging around Beantown.
Labels: Boston, Middlesex., SoSoLimited
Boston is just SoSoLame.
Total House Plants Live There.
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