Newbu Fifty Seven Mayfair: Boris Reports

Within the next few weeks Nobu will be opening two new eagerly anticipated restaurants on both sides of the pond. Nobu Fifty Seven will open during the first week of August and will be more upscale than its downtown counterpart (see photo). In London, the no-reservations Nobu Berkeley is set to open 'sometime in August,' says our trusty source Ms. Reservation Operator. Nobu is one of the few brands we can think of that has suceeded in preserving the quality of its food and service while expanding across the globe. Perhaps this is because Nobu is an expert at flying fish to wherever eddys of wealth reside.
We also just recieved this intel on the Newbu from Boris:
"Went to the preview for Nobu 57 last night. Relatively decent party--pretty girls and boys, dirty old men, that racist closeted spoiled brat from the Star Room incident, and other socialite types. In terms of the restaurant itself: the downstairs bar is a little tight but the upstairs is acceptable, with walls covered in champagne bubble print wallpaper. The sushi that I sampled was good but not amazing--I still think Kuruma is and has always been far superior to Nobu."
+Nobu Fifty Seven, 40 West 57th Street, New York +1 212 757 3000.
+Nobu Berkeley, 15 Berkeley Street, London +44 207 290 9222.
+Kuruma-Zushil, 7 E 47th St, New York +1 212 317 2802.
+New York Observer - Nobu 57th Street.
+How to identify a flying fish.
+The most expensive fish ever sells in Tokyo.
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