Container Ship Karokee: Booze Island: Blackpool

If you find that hell has frozen or your plane has made an emergency landing on the Northwest British coast we suggest heading to Blackpool for a night. Imagine a run down Coney Island meets Las Vegas' poor cousin. That being said as with anything on Booze Island, the more you drink, the better it gets and Blackpool is a worthy adversary for even the most tolerant livers. If you do find yourself on the Pleasure Beach, the name which gives it far more credit than it deserves, be sure and check out the strange looking shipping containers located next to the Casino. As dusk falls on the British Empire's former beach playground the three neon shipping containers open up to reveal a kitchy karokee lounge and two sleek Playstation video game rooms. Sponsored by Sony, these containers are open nightly for free and you can slur your way through such tunes as Hungry like the Wolf, Don't Go Breaking My Heart, and Solid as a Rock. If you can imagine singing Take Me Out with some white track suit wearing British teenage thugs on backing vocals well that's basically what can and did happen. Apparently, the Karokee Container can unite class, nationalites and even styles. This followed by a few rounds of Bingo next door make for a very hipstery Lower East Side / Shoreditch kind of night which can always be an enjoyable in moderation.
+We First Spotted Shipping Containers being used for neat things at: Art Basel Miami 2005.
+Economist: Blackpool: Unpleasurable 22 September.
+Eurotrash Tune of the week: Max Graham v. Coldplay 'Talk'. [listen].
+NY Magazine: The Incredibly Bold, Audaciously Cheesy, Jaw-Droppingly Vegasified, Billion-Dollar Glam-Rock Makeover of Coney Island.
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