Highball Reports from Chicago's "Viagra Triangle"

Highball, who claims to have fled the Midwest for second best (Philadelphia), reports from her old stomping ground of Chitown:
"If you are unlucky enough to find yourself shivering on the frozen tundra known as Chicago this month, there are two new spots from the father of Gibson's Steakhouse where you can secure a glass of wine to warm your spirits. LUXBAR, located right in the heart of the Gold Coast's "Viagra Triangle", is a chic yet relaxed spot perfect for a quick meal within striking distance of the Peninsula. It has the same steaks as Gibson's but lacks the loitering hookers and painfully annoying suburban soccer moms in cheap fox coats that pollute the Gibson's experience. No reservations accepted.
The other new spot is Quartino which is an excellent Italian ristorante and wine bar that opened about two weeks ago. You will successfully avoid the Midwest riff raff here who, as of this writing, are still too intimidated by its glaring resident patrons to venture in. It has a good wine selection, unbelievable service and a bare bones ambiance that mirrors European dining. It is an undiscovered gem that no doubt will get raided when the weather warms and the tourists footpaths spread. Try it sooner rather than later."
+LUXBAR, 18 East Bellevue, Chicago + 1 312 642 3400
+Quartino's Ristorante, 626 North State, Chicago +1 312 698 5000
+Hypnotize, Notorious BIG, [lyrics].
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