The Biker Baroness: Scooter Chauffeur: London

We have recently been made aware of the latest accessory for any well-scheduled power broker, a scooter chauffeur. Apparently there is an impeccably dressed high-powered baroness, heiress, or mistress (it remains unclear) who speeds around London on the back of her chauffeur driver scooter. Bypassing the soul crushing traffic of Central London, this fantastic creature zips through London with ease enroute to her latest kickboxing match, high calibre lunch, or to a discreet rendez-vous to stick her red soled Christian Louboutin in the face of her latest conquest. We are incredibly intrigued about this intel and if anyone has any information or photos of this goddess we will reward you handsomely if you put us in touch with her.
In related scooter chauffeur news, we have discovered that Virgin Limo bikes continues to operate is plane to champagne service from Heathrow into Central London. How you hang onto the scooter with Ambien induced jetlag as you criss-cross the A4 morning traffic we have no idea.
+Virgin LimoBike.
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