While our correspondent Boris has been enjoying the flesh peddling wares of The Box in Manhattan celebrating his 30
Suncrawler sends in this SPF coated report from the self-proclaimed 'Mexican
Riveria' with some surprising discoveries:
"Upon arrival at Cancun airport all of our worst fears were realized -- drunken
midwesterns doing tequila shots in the departure lounge, overweight
mammas in far too revealing shirts which read Spring Break 2007, and more than a few passed out high school kids who looked like they needed medical attention after doing too many Jello shots at Wet Willies. Good
Samaritans are overrated - we quickly headed for the arrivals hall.
After escaping the Mexican airport hell we jetted an hour South to
Playa Del Carmen on the advice of some euro hippies. We were told that
Playa was a good party spot to stop over in on our way to
Tulum, the
supposedly once hidden beach paradise. We were skeptical and our expectations were low but we looked forward to being proven wrong.
And wrong we were. Cancun this is not. After pulling into one of the cooler hotels we have seen in recent months, The hotel
Basico, we were greeted with a chilled out - dare we say - even Mediterranean vibe? The hotel is the sister hotel to Mexico City's
uber trendy Habita Hotel and features an elaborate rooftop pool / lounge area.
Playa itself: tacky - kinda; Americans - not too many; cocktails - strong; women - topless; vibe - relaxed.
By the middle of the next day Sienna and I found ourselves lying on a seaside bed at
Mamitas Beach Club Lounge where the
capahrinas were flowing and the
Eurotrash music was
plusing. Spring Break Mexico this was not. That night we ate at a restaurant which could easily pass in any
Eurobeach town dining on incredibly fresh sashimi and samba sounds. The town is filled with open air trendy chilled out bars and lounges with contemporary design and good music. However, avoid the nightclubs which air a bit on the cheesy side. The only club worth going to is La
Santanera which has Mexican wrestling masks on the ceiling and is owned by the
Theivery Corporation. Overall,
Playa lives up to its reputation as a haven for Euros and Mexican Jet Set. Just don't be distracted by the occasional static of the
American touristos.
Playa Del Carmen
+Hotel Basico, Playa Del Carmen.
+Hotel Deseo, Playa Del Carmen.
+La Santanera, Playa Del Carmen.
+Mamitas Beach Club / Lounge, Playa Del Carmen.
+W4 Photog: Basico Hotel, Playa Del Carmen, March 2007.
Labels: basico, deseo, mamitas, playa del carmen