Tango Alpha: Going Bagdhad at Glen

T.A. continues his Far East journey amidst the fireworks to find the ultimate cocktailing experience:
"Upon my return to Beijing to what is typically known as Chinese New Year (I refer to it as little Baghdad week), I was astounded not only by the fireworks and other subversive explosives going off on the sidewalks, but also the wonderful drink haven I've found called Glen. Glen is located in the south Sanlitun Area and is definitely the premiere place to acquire the best single malt scotches (not to mention the best martini I've ever had in my life). The bartender (Iida San) was hired directly from Ginza, Japan where the owner of Glen (Wilfred or should we say Mr. Whiskey) was astounded by his mixing talent. I must say I have never experienced such an amazingly professional bartender that does not measure the drinks, but rather eyes each pour. Great drinks start from great ingredients and Glen has their own supply of bottled mineral water and purification system in addition to a special Japanese slow high freeze ice maker which creates exceptionally clear ice. All accessories from Reidel scotch glasses, to the hand carved ice balls, to your own custom crystal cocktail glasses are on point. The atmosphere of the place is a mix of NYC, Tokyo, and Beijing aesthetic with a touch of the moderne. A large humidor is always filled with an array of Cuban cigars for the particular connoisseur and there are always a few professional local BJ escorts or Japanese Mama Sans available at the bar for your entertainment requirements. Tango Alpha OUT>"
+Glen, 203 Taiyue Suites, 16 Sanlitun Nanlu, Sanlitun, Beijing +86 10 010 6591 1191
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