Where the Cannes Fall

Sex Symbol: 68th Percentile
Proving that we can read full sentences team W4 came across this fun interactive feature on Class in society on the NYT website. Find out if your rich or poor: Class Matters - Social Class in the United States of America - The New York Times.
Also, this week marks the launch of the Economist's Intelligent Life magazine, currently a seasonal offering with the summer edition on stands. A quick ADD flip through shows that its mix of interesting high end lifestyle ideas, trends and products but perhaps the somewhat starched collar set at the Economist needs to have a couple of cocktails and get randy with the Vanity Fair or Us Weekly staff to liven it up a bit.
Our Intelligence tells us that Sharon Stone (shown above yesterday in Cannes) is looking better than ever!
+Intelligent Life, on newstands now.
+Carlton Cannes, Cannes.
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