Highball Reports: Stranded in A Second Tier City

Highball stranded in yet another second tier city reports from Philly:
Philadelphia is a city of cheesesteaks and dirty streets. The night scene is nowhere near acceptable yet better than expected in this east coast version of Cincinnati. The presence of well-heeled grad students (many of who clearly would rather be back in Manhattan) manufactures the appearance of chic in Center City bars but does not make the city any more appealing. Without them, Philly nightlife would be intolerable since the local yuppies are the equivalent of B&Ts elsewhere. So, if you are forced to go to Philly for business or to visit your crying significant other who is stuck there, seek refuge at these spots:
The Continental. Head straight upstairs to the outdoor patio for great martinis.
Noche. Chic yet laidback lounge, don’t expect anything like NYC though
Cabs are scarce and the shady street people seem to multiply at night. A driver is a must for your sanity and safety after hours. Carey Limousine (Four Seasons’ preferred service in Philly).
The Ritz and Four Seasons are the only two places you should stay at…ever.
Then bolt back to New York immediately to tell your friends about your adventure in the ghetto. Acela Express (1hr and 15min). $153 first class each way.
+The Continental, 134 Market St. Philadelphia +1 215 923 6069.
+Noche, 1901 Chestnut St. Philadelphia +1 215 568 0551.
+Carey Limousine, +1 610 595 2800
+Four Seasons. One Logan Square Philadelphia +1 215 963 1500.
+Ritz Carlton. Ten Avenue of the Arts. Philadelphia +1 215 523 8000.
+Amtrak, +1-800-USA-RAIL.
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