W4: "I Was Fast, We Were Young"

NY Times brought you St. Tropez: July 31st.
We won't deny that the NY Times write up of St. Tropez this past weekend was a well-worded, highly amusing read and far better than anything we could hope to accomplish here at W4. Yet we still beat them to the punch which is essential if you are working on your base tan in preparation for a Tropo excursion. In addition, they did manage to miss a few spots, instead focusing their efforts on the hooker strewn Voile Rouge. Our W4 correspondents attentions were directed to more important pursuits such as documenting the antics of their topless French hostess, Gauloise. As a waitress in St. Barth's once told our correspondent Bejewelled, "I was fast, we were young." So we're we. But sometimes it's the best way to be. C'est la vie.
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