Highball: W4 Playboy Handbook: Part II

The final chapter of Highball's Playboy Handbook. Highball may have an MBA but she still prefers the men who play. Excellent pre-reading for the holiday cocktail circuit:
"6)Don’t return her phone calls too soon. Make her sweat. Get her used to a long response time early on. But NEVER let a call go unreturned. Then you are mannerless jackass and you deserve to get dumped.
7)A free night does not mean you call her. Make her curious as to with whom you spend your evenings.
8)Minimize bootie calls. The occasional 2am text message is fine but after too many, she will realize she is your weekend whore. You must balance her status as your sex object and a potential girlfriend (in her mind) without tipping her to either side. If she feels like your default slut, you’ll get dumped.
9)Minimize your response to her bootie calls. Make her wonder where you are no matter how badly you want to fire up the sheets.
10) Never admit you are dating other women unless she has started naming your children. She must believe she is your desired prize even with all your aforementioned Brazilian models on the side. She can be suspicious but can never know about the other ladies vying for your affection.
11) Avoid pillow talk after sex. Fake sleep after engaging in a basic conversation (you still must be civil!). Male chatter in bed is rare outside a relationship and leads a woman to believe you actually care. You don’t. Don’t forget that.
12) Only stick around into the late morning for sex. If you aren’t up for it, bolt as soon as the birdies chirp. Stay too long and you are boyfriend material.
13) Playboys hunt. Playboys pursue. There is nothing sexier than a good chase after a woman initially turns you down. We women love it. Very hot. If a woman doesn’t, then she should not be dating a playboy and should instead find a MIT PhD ripe for some bland missionary sex after an alcohol-free date at the Coffee Shop."
+Previous Highball: W4 Playboy Handbook: Part I.
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