Grazing With The Industry Cattle: LA: Buffalo Club

Highball faxed us this report from her LA bungalow:
"The Buffalo Club is a great spot to check out but you definitely need to bring a gaggle of pals to buffer out the crowd. From the street the place looks like some sort of shady brothel and there is an aging relic of Studio 54 bouncing the unmarked door. Inside is a darker yet sleek bar where banker types dock to net the passing ladies. The party, however, is in the back on the crowded outdoor terrace. After the dinner hour, the tables were cleared and a cheesy, yet sinfully entertaining, 70s cover band rocked out til close. As for the crowd, the women were standard LA issues with gold digging young assistants impressed with their new Manolos they saved up months to buy. The men were mostly young professionals who were too self absorbed and unfriendly for any respectable lady with her papers to enjoy. And somehow this void of brainpower contained a plethora of disappointed vodka snobs who struggled to determine the right blend with which to mix cranberry juice when they learned Kettle is not served. Its too bad there wasn't a keg in the corner to anchor the way too drunk patrons away from the bar. Get a good group of friends together, grab a table outside, and leave the crowd to stumble about on its own. Live music every other Friday, DJs rest of time."
+Buffalo Club, 1520 Olympic, Santa Monica + 1 310 450 8600.
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