Secret Lover: Faceless Diaries: London

A London DJ has created the latest Bridget Jones type sensation for the Podcast set. The Faceless Diaries which air every morning on Kiss 100 and via ITunes Podcast are the secret diaries of an anonymous London University student. The girl calls into a voicemail and leaves messages which are then transcribed and read by a synthetic voice. Speaking about her deepest thoughts, intimate relationships, dieting, and desires, the girl at first sounds a bit like R2-D2. Listen to her confessions for about 2 minutes though and you'll be hooked.
+Faceless Diaries: The Show.
+R2D2: Profile [].
+Kiss FM diary that's become Bridget Jones for podcasters, Guardian 21 February 2006.
+Update: Is 'Faceless' the Belle de Jour of Podcasts?, Independent 22 February 2006.
+Booze Island Intel: London's Answer to Marquee: Cukoo Club, Swallow Street, London +44207 287 4300.
+Marquee, 289 10th Ave, New York, +1 646 473 0202.
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