Mr. Jenkins No Happy: Japonais: New York

Boris reports from Japonais in New York:
"Went to the opening of this new locale last night located in the old Stone Crab space off of Park Avenue South. The crowd was very mediocre consisting of wannabe hipsters who were actually ad execs, too many fat girls, badly-dressed gay guys, an Isaac Mizrahi imposter, and some gent who looked like a bloated Mr. Bean in a bowtie. The decor of Japonais is kind of sleek, kind of Japanese whorehouse but the lighting was too high and no whores. I sampled a couple of dishes from their menu which included a salmon and shrimp tempura roll that was decent but smothered in way too much sauce (I really feel like Americans love mayo much more than they actually enjoy raw fish), a duck pancake with an interesting chutney: passable but no Mr. Chow, and a rock-seared sliced steak which was actually the tastiest item at Japonichnich. Overall, the experience at this new restaurant/lounge felt like one of those Tanqueray ads with the suave British guy but they weren't even serving Tanqueray. Japonono will most likely turn into one of those tried-to-be-trendy after-work places along the sad no-man's land of Park South between 14th and 23rd. On a side note, I hate the concept of after-work drinks. People should go home after work, take a nap, get dressed properly, and then go out."
+Japonais: 111 East 18th Street, New York, +1 212 260 2020
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