Tango Alpha: Parkas For Buddhas

Back from his European excursions, Tango Alpha reports from the streets on Manhattan on what's got his goose this holiday season:
"Tis the season…blah, blah, blah. Let’s face it, what else do we really need? Another diamond ring, a new Ferrari, another yacht? On my long journey home from Union Square to Irving Place I came across, excuse me, I almost tripped over a homeless person who looked like Jack Nicholson in the last scene of "The Shining". If it wasn’t for the frozen pool of urine that was gluing this sitting Buddha to the sidewalk, I would have probably kept moving onward but something triggered compassion in me for this crackhead. What did this guy really need to free himself from his misery? Without another moment of deliberation, an image of Canada Goose’s limited edition silver expedition parka came to mind. No more freezing your ass to the concrete if you have one these parkas! It's like being in your warm living room without experiencing the blizzard outside. They are the warmest parkas on the market and make all the others like North Face, Patagonia and the rest of the commercial crap look like child’s play in comparison. So I figured giving a crackhead Buddha a Christmas present was just what the hell we need as a little random act of kindness to brighten the holiday spirit and make our scotch hangovers worth it. Anything else would be just another predictable boring short-lived sensation of happiness. Amen."
+Canada Goose Limited Edition.
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