Trix in the Mix: Las Vegas Dining

From our West Coast associate comes this dispatch:
"In Las Vegas last weekend I chose to stay at "THEhotel" in Mandalay Bay upon the glowing recommendations of several friends. I was not disappointed. Not only is the hotel a much-needed haven from the tackyville that constitutes the rest of Las Vegas, but it also houses Alain Ducasse's newesteatery, Mix. The title of the restaurant was appropriate considering the guests, which ranged from bankers in suits to barely camouflaged hookers in...well...not much. But I must say, it's a beautiful restaurant with aspiralling staircase that is covered in what looks like a huge crystal mobile. There is a terrace overlooking all of Las Vegas with heat lamps so that you can enjoy quite the view while taking a cigarette break from your divine meal. The restaurant is on the 64th floor of the hotel and from up there, the MGM looks like a mere hut. There's a little pad of paper provided for guests at each table so they can write little notes to each other afterthey've eaten so much that forming words seems like an unsurmountable effort. The food was classic Ducasse, but the piece de resistance were the madeleines included with the meal at dessert, served directly out of the tin in which they were cooked, still steaming, with a small dose of Nutella onthe side that instantaneously melts when applied to the delectable madeleine. All in all, loved it. And loved dancing off the calories next door at the attached Mix nightclub afterwards even more."
+Mix at THEhotel 3950 Las Vegas Blvd S, Las Vegas, +1 877 632 7800
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