Lost in Iceland 2: Land of Dreams

Iceland is a sparsely populated untouched paradise. Driving through the countryside of this mid-Atlantic country, which sits atop the two tectonic plates that connect North America and Europe, one is immediately hit by the vastness of the landscape and one's minuscule presence amongst the moon like topography. The fog drifts around in a hazy dreamscape sequence. This daily sense of mystic isolation perhaps explains why when Icelanders convene in the city's capital, Reykjavik, at night they immediately proceed to drink to excess and get as frisky and possible with the first person they may have seen all day if only to reaffirm that they are not alone on this giant tundra. The Icelanders mix between celebration and natural beauty is what makes the country a visitors paradise.
The W4 team ventured to the semi-Artic tundra looking for just that: relaxation and cold WASP-y isolation by day, and wild nights filled with heavy petting. Fortunately for us since it was mid winter, the sun rose at 10 and set at 5 so there was no need to remain too coherent or wake up at an unreasonable hour. Although Iceland has been on the hipster-trendster radar now for about five years, few people still realize just how modern, funky, and sleek the country is. Iceland is incredibly design conscious and the hotels, bars, clubs, and restaurants could easily be in the middle of London or New York - possessed full of sleek Nordic construction.
The Icelanders are also very much into the music and everywhere you go there are different styles of music playing - rock, hip hop, metal, eurotrash - and the capital is one of the best music scenes we have come across in recent memory and minus any of the additude. With house bands saying things like, “We Heard this last night in Swedish motherfuckers!” before launching into La Bamaba and then into a cover of a Rammstein song you cannot help but dive head first into the irreverence of it all. And the morning after or on your way out of town, head to the Blue Lagoon to recharge in the geothermal waters. Our suggestions for an excellent time are listed below.
+Best Hotel Beds in the World: 101 Hotel, Hverfisgata 10, Reykjavik, +354 580 0101.
+Lesbians Lock Lips at: Pravda, Austurstræti 22, 101 Reykjavik.
+Dance Until Dawn:NASA, 4 Thorvaldsenstraeti, Reykjavik +354 511 1313.
+Paris in Iceland: Rex Bar, Austurstraeti, Reykjavik, +354 5519111.
+Sjávarkjallarinn (Seafood Cellar), Aðalstræti 2, +354 511 1212.
+Best Pancakes: Vegamot, Vegamotastig 4, Reykjavik, +354 511 3040.
+Recharge at: Blue Lagoon, IS-240 Grindavik Iceland Tel. + 354 420 8800.
+Nature Is Cool: Gulfoss Waterfall [our beautiful world]
+Previous W4: Lost in Iceland 1: Found: Silvia Nott.
+W4 Photog Credit: Reykjavik Harbour, 5 February 2006.
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