Threads: Rogan Store: NYC

We've been longtime fans of NYC-based Rogan and it seems the brand is slowly expanding beyond its initial downtown following. The company, which sells upmarket jeans expensively crafted to have that downmarket look, has just opened their first retail location in downtown New York. The Rogie shop features not only their trademark jeans with rotating seam lines but also the usual assortment of rockstar-junkie type t-shirts and all of the other necessities needed to instantly morph into a Yuppie-Hipster-LA producer-type. A feature in this week's New York Magazine will no doubt help drive sales with the distressed/despressed denim set.
Next Up: We suggest checking out R by 45rpm.
+Rogan, 91 Franklin Street, New York +1 646 827-7554.
+NY Mag: Rogan Opens in Tribeca, 27 March 2006.
+NY Mag: Rogan: Up With The Gups, 2 April 2006.
+R by 45rpm, 169 Mercer St, New York +1 917 237-0045. And because uptown is the new downtown also at: 17 East 71st.
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