Volstead: London: Prior Engagements

Prior Engagements drops us a line on the opening of hyped hotspot Volstead in London. Meanwhile, yesterday's Daily "Marketing" Candy email highlighted the spot which cannot bode well for any speakeasy:
“Volstead is much smaller than sibling Boujis and has no dance floor. The theme is speakeasy with a mix of lively jazz music playing on the opening night. It is the kind of place that you might head for dinner or some drinks before heading over to Cuckoo Club next door to really let loose. The club is clearly still in early days and has a few things to work out. I have a feeling though that after the economics of running a more relaxed jazz club in London’s West End come into play the music will either get turned up, the skirts will get shorter, and Volestead will turn prohibition on its head or it will fade away just like the law its' namesake is based on was.”
+Volstead, 9 Swallow Street, London +44 207 287 1919.
+Previous W4: Volstead: Weekend: Desert Heat: London Dubai, Las Vegas.
+W4 Photog: London, July 2005.
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