Champagne Ponies: Cartier International Polo

In our ongoing coverage of champagne swilling social events that masquerade as sporting events we bring you summer polo season. In our first installment we receive this report just in from Booze Island [England]. Next week if we can find a correspondent to muster up the courage we slum it with the American version at Bridgehampton Polo:
"Overdue Library Book took advantage of London's unusually bright steamy summer to venture out of the stacks and to the Guards Polo Club in Windsor for the not-to-be-missed annual Cartier International Polo Match. Those eager enough to leave Volstead Saturday night before four am managed to alight in Windsor early Sunday and witness Prince Harry on his steed in the morning match. The rest of us rolled in around two for the main event of the day, if one was there for polo and not the China White afterparty or cement-roller shopping, the England - New Zealand match. New Zealand, the favoured squad, began the match with a two point handicap, which meant that the English were able to overcome their lack of athleticism and win 9-7. In the meantime, crowds of well-heeled Sloanes, black leather-clad Euros, and sun-kissed South Americans dined on succulent Argentinian steaks and shamelessly overpriced bottles of warm champagne. There was no lack of Pimms flowing either, which no doubt contributed to the general aura of happiness and sun stroke, which resulted in a few accidental Audi purchases. This all meant that by six o'clock, when the China White party opened its doors, most partygoers were already too drunk to be able to sort out their tickets and a mob scene ensued. Hot aristos like TB Darbyshire turned on their heels and skipped off to Annabel's in London instead, where they were joined by a hummer limousine of leggy Argentines."
+Cartier Polo, Gaurd's Polo Club.
+Previous W4: Volestead: London: Prior Engagements.