En Vacances. Retournez en Septembre.
26 August 2005
En Vacances. Retournez en Septembre.
W4 - Nous Ne demandons pas Pourquoi.
+American Red Cross: Donate Now.
25 August 2005
Booze Island: NYC: Garden of Ono

The Garden of Guilty Pleasures is a trout pond stocked full of lovely ladies but only on certain nights. Word from our man on the ropes up front is that the koi pond is freshest on Tuesday night where you can witness Tommy Lee hanging from the rafters and cavort with the models and the always aspiring but not there yet actresses. Plus if your bored by the crowd, flatscreen TV's in the cabanas make up for it.
+The Garden of Ono, 18 Ninth Ave New York +1 212 660 6766.
+Get the latest intel straight from the source - www.wfour.com
W4 - We Don't Ask Why.
19 August 2005
Communist Winter Reports: Lithuania

Communist Winter reports from the fringes of the EU, Lithuania:
With Estonia being overrun with Elite model scouts and Riga engulfed by drunken stag partying Brits, Lithuania aims to be the next Baltic hotspot.. but give it about three to five years. Vilnius the countries capital is a small, modern, clean town with some minor charm. Some have referred to it as the next Prague. Clearly they were drinking a bit too much of the Russian Standard vodka.
If do mistakenly find yourself in the city that was once declared by the French as the geographical center of Europe here is our guide on where to go for dance off competitions to Collio’s Gangster’s Paradise, bars with Gnomes and Astroturf on the wall and late night medieval flesh dens. Hell you may even run into Alicia Silverstone who is shooting a movie there now.

If hanging out in a basement rock walled cave complete with gnomes and an Astroturfed bar is your thing (and it was ours) head to Gras’as where you can swill Russian Standard vodka and be amused by the waitresses who are decked out in Heidi from Switzerland outfits. Note the bizzare collection of autographed photos on the wall, including the Prodigy and Alicia Silverstone.
For a more modern experience also check out the Paparazzi which has a five page menu of cocktails and those big red padded chairs from an insane asylum (a la Lot 61, NYC).
+Gras’as: Vokieèiø 2, Vilnius +370 80 212 2031.
+Paparazzi: Totoriø 3, Vilnius +370 80 212 0135.

The somewhat cheesy Connect club is a good starting point for a night out and a great place to really make a full ass of yourself. Bizarrely, they have painted a large Union Jack flag on the door but once you descend into the red covered club you can find yourself having a dance off with a Lithuania teenage hipster to Gangster’s Paradise or hanging from the rafters to the latest deep House beats. The club’s ball shaking bass is impressive and can be heard even in the adjacent bunker bar, Gras’as.

The converted Nuclear fallout shelter Gravity is the place to head to for late night misbehaving. Located on the side of a highway, you walk down a long, dank, green-light concrete escape tunnel (seen above) to enter the club. Once inside you are greeted by a pulsing Miami white style modern club.
+Connect, Vokiečių 2, Vilnius, +370 212 20 31.
+Gravity, Jasinskio 16, Vilnius, +370 80249 7966
+Drink: Russian Standard Vodka, best in class.
+Read: Business Week: Roustam Tariko Chairman, Russian Standard Bank, Russia.
Novotel. Opened in 2005. Modern, centrally located, large rooms,
efficient. Nix the SAS Raddison which some consider the best in town unless you can get a business suite.
+Novotel Vilnius, Gedimino av. 16, Vilnius +370 52 666200.
If shady is your thing Vilnius has numerous flesh pens. If you have been detained at the Polish border and arrive into town at 3am and are looking to drink into the wee hours you may find yourself in one. Even in the Wild East, Old Communist habits die hard. At the Old Town club, which we do not recommend, one of our party was sent back to the bathroom like a little schoolboy to retrieve an empty glass he had left. However, the club’s medieval dungeon look complete with chains coming off the wall is somewhat amusing. If this is your thing see the back of the town guidebook where they offer to send a free ZZ Top Limousine to pick you up anywhere in town.
+Old Town, Rūdninkų 14, +370 52 212 13 49.
Eat. Check out Cozy for a good brunch.
+Cozy, Dominikonų 10, Vilnius +370 52 261 11 37.
If Lithuania is the new Latvia which is the new Estonia than next time we may just head directly to the source of all these misbehaving Communist offspring, Mother Russia for a bottle of vodka and call it a day. Little Lithuania has potential but still has some growing up to do.
+For the latest dealings from W4 check out www.wfour.com.
Heavy Rotation: Evolving Art

For those seeking to have the sleekest and chic-est flat, the latest technology in LCD imagery is an absolute must. Evolving Art is the innovator behind a very cool digital canvas that displays crisp virtual images of photography and works of art. It is not a plasma TV screen, but rather a high tech canvas that is thin and framed like any other picture. The images on it are so clear that it appears as though the original work is hanging on your wall or sitting framed on your table. You can select from their collection of over 10,000 virtual paintings and photos (some well known) or commission your own custom made collection. So, you simply rotate the image being displayed to change the mood and look of your room, which is great for parties or special guests. Evolving Art is celebrating the launch of its partnership with Bang and Olufsen at an event tonight in Chicago. Keep your eyes peeled for Evolving Art in the UK where it will be available soon.
+Evolving Art, 1230 W Washington Blvd, Chicago +1 312 633 9069.
+Bang and Olufsen, various locations worldwide, including Lithuania.
16 August 2005
Corduroy to the Horizon: World 66 Custom Maps

Ever wanted to see a map of all of the countries you have visited?
Check out World 66's website which lets you create your own. The map above shows us that apparently 13 countries possess quality surfing. But of course this map fails to show every surfers "super secret spot" which was totally much better before the 'howies' arrived. Tubular.
+World 66 Custom Maps.
+W4: Surf's Up: Mal Pais, Costa Rica.
+Latest W4: Feb 06: Jungle Fever: Four Seasons Costa Rica.
W4: One Snob Ahead

W4's Highball Reports Philly Is Lacking
Reported: August 8th.
NY Times Sunday Style Section Deems Philly the Sixth Borough of NYC
Reported: August 14th.
W4: Complaining six days ahead of everyone else.
We Don't Ask Why.
Help keep us as irreverent as possible. Email us!
Transport: Carat Duchatelet

For the car afficionados:
Now that Jay-Z, P. Diddy, and a heap of other hip-hop trash have invaded the Maybach and Phantom market, where do we civilized auto buyers go to find the best?

The answer is Carat Duchatelet. This Belgian company produces some of the most beautiful bespoke carriages in the world. One of our favorites is their custom Mercedes W220 Pullman: a fantastic modern-day interpretation of the classic Mercedes 600 Pullman of the 60's. The C.D. custom has a raised roof for tophat wearing, flat screen televisions for the viewing of lewd Brazilian pornography, humidors to keep the hash fresh, and obviously a beautiful crystal bar to ensure that your Laphroig 40 and Absenth are close by as you're transported to and from your destinations. These pups are also bulletproof (a reaccurring yet necessary theme with us here at W4). For the truly paranoid, grenade launchers, an escape hatch, and a bomb detector can be installed.
Carat Duchatelet is also happy to custom-build you a Range Rover, Rolls Royce, helicopter, or jet should you so desire. The prices for the company's services are upon request, but if you have to ask that question get back in your Escalade on 24's, pop a can of Crunk Juice, and don't even think about calling us in the morning.
+Carat Duchatelet
+Crunk Juice
12 August 2005

If you are hoping to escape London anytime soon and are looking for intra-European flights you may want to check out the SkyScanner maps. Basically what the site does is show the carriers that fly to a particular destination and then provide you with a monthly graph showing you the cheapest single and return fares on the various flights for each departure day. The site tells you exactly which flight costs what and how old the quote is. Pretty a nifty tool to help you plan your late summer departure.
+SkyScanner Maps [now also in the W4 recommends section].
+Like this? Read more at www.wfour.com - Topless St. Tropez tanning emergencies, New York afterhours clubs and even something about bad fish in Chicago. W4 - We don't ask why.
11 August 2005
London Fish: Toku is No Tofu

Booze Island reports:
"Recently a Eur-Asian Epicurean told us about a Japanese restaurant in London not to be missed right in the heart of Piccadilly, Restaurant Toku. Once we confirmed that she was not drunk or on a Karokee high when making this recommendation, we promised we would find this place or at least stumble by it late at night. Located in the heart of tourist infested Piccadilly Circus and inside the Japan Travel Center, we were more than a bit skeptical about checking the place out - even if the advice came from our continent hopping Asian gourmandesse. However, a recent craving for some decent sushi in this lager-laden town drove us to search out the Toku.
Upon entering this travel shop/Japanese grocery store/restaurant we realized it was the real deal as we found ourselves the only westerners in this Japan-a-Go-Go themed circus. Simple Japanese menu, high quality fish (better than any of the ubiquitous London chains such as ITSU or Feng Sushi), lightening fast service, Restaurant Toku is not to be missed. But don’t go looking for Nobu – this is an old school Japanese restaurant – and much better for it.
+Eat: Restaurant Toku, 212 Piccadilly, London +44 20 7255 8255.
+Say No To: Tofu [wikipedia].
+Best Karokee in London: Lucky Voice Karokee, 52 Poland Street, London +44 207 439 3660.
+Backup Fish / Delivery: Feng Sushi, various locations, London.
+Backup Fish / Delivery: Itsu, various locations, London.
Weeds: The Martha Stewart Case Study

Highball reports from the suburbs about a new TV show set in the suburbs about a weed dealing soccer mom. Hell if we lived in the suburbs driving a Range Rover with bratty kids in the back we'd be more likely to be a user rather than a dealer but that is just us. Highball however is studying business in the 'burbs so if there is a way to turn a solid profit from domesticity it could be a good case study for her Martha Stewart 101 Course. Enroll now:
"Nothing can beat Nip/Tuck, Sopranos and a select few other cable series. So, when resting between cocktails while visiting this heap called Philly, I’ve been struggling to find something to entertain me (there is nothing but cocktails, chain smoking, dodging sketchy corner dwellers and digital cable here, I swear). During this dark void of T.V. creativity that will last until Nip/Tuck’s long delayed return on September 20th, I’ve resorted to watching Showtime’s new dramedy, “Weeds”. This less intense (no whacks or drive bys quite yet), yet strangely addicting, program follows a widowed suburban mother who deals pot to pay for her Range Rover and gated community lifestyle. Entertainment value is especially high when you connect these psychotic parents and their screwed up kids to people you know. May not be suited for all males but the writing is particularly good. Perhaps try it with a bottle of wine."
+US: Showtime, Sundays at 11pm EST.
09 August 2005
Last Man In London Reports: La Playa

If you find yourself feeling like the last man in London this month head for La Playa. The Great Eastern hotel has decided to dump 10 tons of sand in their seven story high open atrium, throw in a few neon pink palm trees and deck chairs and blast the music loud enough to drive away any paying guests. On a recent Friday night when some of our correspondents investigated they found rock’s royalty and rubbish, Mick Jagger and Kelly Osbourne, surrounded by women dressed as Gwen Stefani pirates and men dressed as Andre 3000/Fansworth Bentley dandies. The sand had yet to be laid down but it is doubtful that the crowd would have even noticed what was happening below their feet as they were too focused on making a spectacle. We suggest drinking heavily prior to arriving and dressing in your most outlandish outfit if possible. The music was that uber trendy semi-rock/semi-electronic/mostly feedback stuff that no one really likes but thankfully the clouds broke and they put on a more danceable eurobeat as the clock hit one.
+The Great Eastern Hotel, Liverpool Street, London. +44 20 7618 5000.
+For Real Palm Trees We Suggest: MTV Music Video Awards,
28 August, Miami.
08 August 2005
W4 Campaign: Bring Back Miami Vice Style

We here at W4 are very excited about bringing Miami Vice back in vogue (as if it every went out). Recently purchasing the 1st season on DVD in the US and watching marathon sessions on the UK's Sky TV Men and Motors channel we were reminded what a fantastic show it was. You can't go wrong with two crazy bastards dressed in pastel colored Italian clothing driving around in expensive sports cars, hanging out with Colombian drug lords, and partaking in plentiful amounts of scotch, cigarettes, and narcotics. Since we have most of these bases covered, Boris is arranging with the Italians at Luigi Borelli to bring to life a 2005 MV Men's Collection.
We must note that we have very low expectations for the upcoming Miami Vice film starring Collin Farell and Jamie Foxx, as these two are total losers and certainly no Crockett and Tubbs.
+US: Miami Vice DVD, [amazon
+UK: Miami Vice airs three times nightly on the Men & Motors (NUTS TV), Sky TV.
+Miami Vice Theme Song, Jan Hammer [sample] [amazon
+Luigi Borelli, multiple locations.
+W4: Miami Guide: Part Four: Noche.
+W4 Miami Guide: Part Three: Restaurants.
+W4 Miami Guide: Part Two: Shops.
+W4 Miami Guide: Part One: Hotels.
Highball: Blue Toxic Spill: Chicago

Highball, our correspondent with diamonds in her ears and a stiff drink in one hand finds that even a imported New York restaurant cannot help her to ease the pain of living in a second tier city. She send us this dispatch from Chicago where she unsuccessfully attempts to escape that reoccurring itch on her backside called Philadelphia:
Blue Water Grill recently opened its doors in Chicago in the former location of Spago. It was clear early in our dinner that this New York export butchered its good name when coming to the Windy City. Although the menu is quite similar, the food was terrible. On a somewhat uncrowded Thursday night, it took more than 2 hours for dinner (when you are listening to an acquaintance cry about her sick cat, time is of the essence). The server could barely speak English so she was impossible to understand after a few cocktails. First courses were not cleared from our places when finished, sushi was not presented with the proper utensils and our many wine bottles seemed to disappear with our server when our glasses were empty. It even took the waitress 15 minutes to bring us the check after requested. Sadly, our experience is par for the course. So, if you are headed to Chicago, do not take any clients to this location until it sorts out its crippling problems. There is a reason why the section for reviews on their website states "coming soon" and all local newspapers slammed it. Don't let the Chicago spot pollute your impression of New York's Blue Water Grill.
+Blue Water Grill, 520 North Dearborn Chicago +1 312 777 1400.
+Blue Water Grill, 31 Union sq W, New York +1 212 675 9500.
Highball Reports: Stranded in A Second Tier City

Highball stranded in yet another second tier city reports from Philly:
Philadelphia is a city of cheesesteaks and dirty streets. The night scene is nowhere near acceptable yet better than expected in this east coast version of Cincinnati. The presence of well-heeled grad students (many of who clearly would rather be back in Manhattan) manufactures the appearance of chic in Center City bars but does not make the city any more appealing. Without them, Philly nightlife would be intolerable since the local yuppies are the equivalent of B&Ts elsewhere. So, if you are forced to go to Philly for business or to visit your crying significant other who is stuck there, seek refuge at these spots:
The Continental. Head straight upstairs to the outdoor patio for great martinis.
Noche. Chic yet laidback lounge, don’t expect anything like NYC though
Cabs are scarce and the shady street people seem to multiply at night. A driver is a must for your sanity and safety after hours. Carey Limousine (Four Seasons’ preferred service in Philly).
The Ritz and Four Seasons are the only two places you should stay at…ever.
Then bolt back to New York immediately to tell your friends about your adventure in the ghetto. Acela Express (1hr and 15min). $153 first class each way.
+The Continental, 134 Market St. Philadelphia +1 215 923 6069.
+Noche, 1901 Chestnut St. Philadelphia +1 215 568 0551.
+Carey Limousine, +1 610 595 2800
+Four Seasons. One Logan Square Philadelphia +1 215 963 1500.
+Ritz Carlton. Ten Avenue of the Arts. Philadelphia +1 215 523 8000.
+Amtrak, +1-800-USA-RAIL.
04 August 2005
01 August 2005
Modern Gentlemen’s Guide: After-Hours

After-Hours Clubs: After-hours is a very tricky business. I would love nothing more than to be able to give you a list of the after-hours clubs in the cities of the world, but it’s virtually impossible. The problem is that they’re constantly changing. These spots have the shortest life span of any, especially in New York. Usually, the best way to find the new spots is to inquire with limo drivers outside certain clubs. Not only do they usually know the newest places, but they’ll also take you there and get you in (for a fee of $60-80). This "getting-in" fee is very worthwhile as many places have codes and the like to keep police from raiding them. Make sure you make it clear you want to go somewhere where you can get drinks. This is important because sometimes the drivers will try to take you to legal late-night clubs, such as Sound Factory, Exit, or the like, which do stay open late, but are just raves for poor ugly New Jersey people, and call me crazy but drinking Red Bull with trailer trash is not my idea of a fun night. There is a wide range of activities available at the non-legal locales, ranging from gambling to girls to drinks and dancing (and of course narcotic cocktails). Some of the spots even have names for themselves. Some of the ones I remember from the past in NYC: Galaxy, Studio 45, Atlantis, Insomnia, Camelot, Sizzle, Beetlejuice, and The Profound Sound Lounge—just to name a few.
Editor’s Note
Dear Readers,
Boris is currently in New York and has sent us a memo that he’s had trouble sleeping. He feels that after-hours clubs would be a good solution to his 5-9AM insomnia. He is despondent because Mr. Bloomberg seems to have destroyed his late-night thru early morning haunts. We encourage everyone to send us any leads on new after-hours spots so that Boris can get some sleep!

Remnants of a defunct after-hours haunt
Beat Street: Magic Numbers, Slides, Eurotrash
Nominated for the UK's Mercury Prize the Magic Numbers are bringing some numeric pleasure to the airways . . . the Hanover Square Conde Nast girls prefer the up and coming band The Slides who are touring Booze Island [England] . . . meanwhile, the Eurotrash set are boogying to the remix of Roxette Vs Dancing Djs, "Fading Like A Flower."
W4: "I Was Fast, We Were Young"

NY Times brought you St. Tropez: July 31st.
We won't deny that the NY Times write up of St. Tropez this past weekend was a well-worded, highly amusing read and far better than anything we could hope to accomplish here at W4. Yet we still beat them to the punch which is essential if you are working on your base tan in preparation for a Tropo excursion. In addition, they did manage to miss a few spots, instead focusing their efforts on the hooker strewn Voile Rouge. Our W4 correspondents attentions were directed to more important pursuits such as documenting the antics of their topless French hostess, Gauloise. As a waitress in St. Barth's once told our correspondent Bejewelled, "I was fast, we were young." So we're we. But sometimes it's the best way to be. C'est la vie.