Warsaw: Resturant: Kilimanjaro

Communist Winter reports from Warsaw where the Pope is on a visit and the party rocks on Eastern Bloc Style:
"Next time you are passing through Warsaw on your way to Krakow or deep into the former Russian states on some shady business be sure and check out the new resturant Kilimanjaro. Reminiscent of a colonial hill station, Kilimanjaro features vaulted ceilings with a dimly lit lounge area on one side where you could idle away an evening with a bottle of wine and a eastern european finacee. The wood floors, bookcases and maps on the wall add to the relaxed library style feeling. The menu featuers a variety of tasty dishes including one of the best ducks I've had in this part of the world and a prison soup (ask the owner for the story behind it). It's worth a climb up this mountain."
+Kilimanjaro, ul. Bednarska 30, Warsaw +48 22 828 88 61.
+Warsaw Radio Plays: Retro: Ez-Files: Taylor Dayne - Tell It To My Heart.
+Yahoo News: Pope Arrives in Poland for 4-Day Visit, 25 May 2006.
+W4 Photog: Center of Culture, Warsaw, 23 May 2006.